General Informed Consent Form
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You will perform a variety of fitness tests designed to assess your current level of fitness. The exercise intensity will begin at a low level and advance in stages depending on your fitness level. We may stop the test at any time because of signs of fatigue or changes in heart rate. It is important for you to realise that you may stop when you wish if you experience any feelings of fatigue or other discomfort.
I understand
There exists the possibility of certain changes occurring during the test. They include abnormal blood pressure, fainting, irregular, fast or slow heart rhythm, and in rare instances, heart attack, stroke or death. Every effort will be made to minimise these risks by evaluation of preliminary information relating to your health and fitness and by observations during testing. First aid trained personnel are available to deal with any unusual situations that may arise.
I understand
Information you possess about your health status or previous experiences of unusual feelings with physical effort that may affect the safety and value of your exercise test itself; is also of great importance. You are responsible for fully disclosing such information when requested by the instructor.
I understand
The results obtained from the exercise test may assist in the diagnosis of an illness or in evaluating what type of physical activities you may do with low risk to help reach your goals.
I understand
Any questions about the procedures used in the exercise test or results of your test are encouraged. If you have any concerns or questions, please ask us for further explanations.
I understand
Your permission to perform this exercise test is voluntary. You are free to stop the test at any point, if you so desire
I understand
I have read this form, and I understand the test procedures that I will perform and the attendant risks and discomforts. Knowing these risks and discomforts, having had an opportunity to ask questions that have been answered to my satisfaction, I consent to participate in this test.
I consent